Ministry Opportunities in our Congregation
There are so many ways to give your gifts of leadership, presence, compassion and creativity in our church. We always welcome people to participate in the following ways or maybe you’ll think of something new!
- Communion Stewards take the elements to the homebound once a month.
- Stephen Ministers accompany folk on the long road to recovery from losing a spouse, losing a job, divorce, or major health issues. These ministers go through a 50-hour training to learn active listening skills.
- Helping Hands volunteers provide meals, transportation or a friendly face when you need it.
- Liturgist-Help in worship with reading Scripture and leading prayers.
- Greeters-Meet new people and guide them through their first Sunday morning among us. Help them feel welcome!
- Ministry Team service- Opportunities to plan events, programs, or meet the needs of a growing congregation exist in a wide variety of ministry teams.
Call the church office to learn more about these opportunities.