
FUMCL embraces children into the fabric of our worship and our faith community. We are reminded at baptism that we are all precious children of God; FUMCL nurtures and supports our youth with programs and activities for all ages.

Children of all ages are always welcome in worship, and we offer nursery care Sunday mornings for our youngest church goers.

Sunday mornings during the 9:30 service, children Pre-K through third grade experience God and recognize the presence of Christ through storytelling…

We have various programs for children of all ages. See the Youth Groups page for more information on activities, dates and times.

Each summer we provide an opportunity for the community to bring their children to join with other children in the church in learning more about God.

On Sunday morning during the 9:30 service, upper elementary and middle schoolers meet in the Cherry Blossom Room to learn more about the Bible and what it means to be a Jesus Follower.

Each summer 6th-12th graders spend a week doing construction and repairs on homes for Native American families on reservations in California, Nevada, Oregon and Arizona or in urban areas such as San Diego.