David and John at Noa Guest HouseOur StreetNuku Alofa Guest houseLunch!Lunch 2.0Even more Lunch!The Kingdom of TongaJohn and Sarah at Nuku AlofaMargaret and David at the blowholesSeashore BlowholesMele Explaining Tsunami RockTsunami RockA beautiful dayCocoanut trees can branch?Local who likes George Kittleend of the day tourLovely MeleDay at the cavesInside the cavesLaurie on the beachTomCracking a coconutFreshwater CaveIn the lagoonSS Minnow Tour
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
Founded by Japanese farmers in 1903, FUMCL is a Reconciling Congregation serving Southern Placer County. We believe that God calls us to put our faith into action wherever we are, welcoming all into the kingdom of God.
Service Time
Join us for Worship! 9:30 am Sundays
Inspirational messages and uplifting contemporary music create a casual, spirit-centered worship service. (More)