Reopening Plan

July 3, 2020

The Leadership Council has approved a plan to reopen our facility. The plan has been submitted to the District Superintendent for approval.  It is not known when our facility will reopen but it appears it will not be any time soon. Weekly virtual worship services will continue to be recorded and posted on YouTube and Facebook.

Letter to the Congregation

March 26, 2020

Dear Church Family,

What a difference a day, hour, and minute make! Not only is our world drastically changing, but we are filled with sadness and grief as we realize that life will never again be the same. Also, how we worship seems to change on a daily basis. I miss the daily and weekly connection to all of you. That being said, with these changes come unforeseen challenges and opportunities.

I met with the Worship Team via Zoom yesterday and we explored not only how to be creative during the coming weeks, but also how to remain connected during this time of shelter in place. I can assure you that Holy Week will be special, even though we will almost certainly remain closed through Easter. I guarantee that on the first Sunday where we are able to gather together as a community we will celebrate Easter!  I will keep you updated re: worship schedule during the coming days. Also, if you have any suggestions for improvement please don’t hesitate to contact me via email, text, or a good old-fashioned phone conversation. Please be patient for this is a steep learning curve for all of us.

I will also be printing hard copies of the sermon for those who struggle with technology. If you, or someone you know, would like a hard copy of the message please let me know and I will get it to them. As most of you know, worship on Sunday will be available on Youtube at Loomis First United Methodist Church or on Facebook at after 9:00 am. If you are able, send us a picture or a 10 second video to let us know how you are spending your time. Air hugs and prayers for all. Stay healthy and safe.

Grace and peace,

Loomis FUMC Response to the Coronavirus

March 13, 2020

Dear Church Family,

Due to concerns of the COVID-19 virus, church services in the sanctuary will be suspended through and including March 29, 2020. This decision comes following recommendations from the State of California and county public health departments regarding COVID-19 and its impact on our communities. Your health and safety are very important to us and we are taking every precaution and action to minimize exposure to illness.

You will have the opportunity to live-stream worship at both 9:00 am and 10:30 am this week on the church Facebook page: We are also researching other ways to stream worship. As soon as we figure that out, we will let you know.

Church Leadership will continue to monitor the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Placer County. All decisions made will be based on their recommendations. As you know, the situation changes daily but we will keep you informed of any decisions that we make.

Please note the following information:

The Church Office will be open, but doors locked. Please feel free to call if you need anything. We will be able to continue the church’s work and will be here to help you. If your small group decides to cancel, please call the church office and let us know. If you or someone you know needs pastoral care, please call the church office or Pastor Alison at 408-804-0401.

Pastor Alison will modify hospital visits and house calls. Any joys or concerns that you want live streamed please contact Pastor Alison.

The Lantern and Church Announcements will go out via email so please monitor emails for updates. Going forward, we ask for your patience and flexibility during this difficult time.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Alison

Dave Tooker, Leadership Council, Convener

Addendum to Response to the Coronavirus

Dear Church Family,
Some additional thoughts to share with all of you regarding the COVID-19 community concerns. In the coming days it may be difficult for you and your loved ones to get groceries, or to pick up supplies/medicine. Please don’t hesitate to call the church office or Pastor Alison about such special needs that may require assistance. Some church leaders have already volunteered to help out. I am inspired by the kindness, generosity, and love of our congregation. Also, please don’t hesitate to call me if you are feeling lonely and isolated. My phone number is 408-804-0401.
Additionally, Ray Fisher has set up a church Youtube account where you will be able to watch services on your mobile devices and computers. To access the youtube channel, go to and search for Loomis First United Methodist.

The YouTube channel will be available beginning Saturday, March 14th.

Prayers. Patience. Blessings.
Pastor Alison